StrategicStraits, Inc. is your business partner in transforming your organization into a global-minded organization and growing your brand across borders with confidence and finesse. The strategic straits in international business are:
• leadership
• organizational culture
• customer focus
We partner with industry experts and talented professionals to help our clients bridge these international business straits by developing a global mindset and a brand management culture within their organizations, as well as a strong reputation in local and global markets. Our consulting solutions and training programs lead our clients to clear paths in responding to the complexities of doing business in different countries and around the world. Clients are able to make global business management decisions with confidence and finesse due to:
• enhanced market knowledge
• problem solving skills
• a passion for diversity
• experiential learning
• the ability to build trust across cultures
Our vision is to create long-term value for our clients, their customers and the communities we all serve. Our mission is to serve as the advisory partner of choice for internationally growing businesses in entering new markets with trust building business strategies, strong brand management cultures and an education system which helps their leaders address the complexities of international business with confidence and finesse.
Our values guide our business practice. We are committed to our clients’ success and believe in our research. We appreciate and fully enjoy the innovative offerings of world diversity. We believe in the power of positive relationships and making an effort to understand different circumstances around the world. We are devoted to contributing to the greater good wherever we do business, and we value the trust placed in us above everything.